Thursday, August 28, 2008

Attention Seeker #3:

This is actually the kind of attention seeker that bothers me the most. This child is good for no entertainment value at all, she just bugs me. She is constantly blurting out my name and asking questions without raising her hand. Nobody else is having this problem. It is only her. I will correct her, ask her to get my attention the right way, make her wait, and then take her question. Almost every time her question is pointless, like “Do you like this?” Or “what are we going to do next?” when we just started an activity and the daily agenda is on the board. She simply cannot go without asking a question or talking to me for more than one minute. If I hear, "Ms. Oyster, Ms. Oyster" followed by silence as she tries to think of something to ask me one more time, I will go nuts!

1 comment:

ms. mindless said...

ooh. my miller lite lunchbox girl is a #3.