Monday, December 15, 2008

4.5 days and huge black eyes!

I can almost taste my new freedom, which means that magically, my desire to blog has returned. My hiatus has left me with pleanty of stories to tell both about my school life and the little bits of personal life I have managed to squeeze in over the last couple of months. While one of my grad classes has had me writing frequently during my absence, it is done and I can get back to my more casual writings about lame things that happen to me in my classroom.

My favorite of the day so far. One of my students, the same student from my previous foster care posts, walks into class late with my principal. All my principal says to me is, "he had an accident. Let him have the ice pack." Then, before I could turn to even look at the student or speak to my principal, my pricipal was gone.

I walked over to the student to see what the accident was and he has the biggest black eye I have ever seen. The socket bone is swollen, almost swelling his eye shut. It was already turing colors. The story is the best part. He and his sister got into an argument on the bus to school, mind you, this is a Metro bus. She is so annoyed and angry at him, she punches him in the face--hard! He is fine I guess. A black eye never killed anyone, right? His ego, however, is badly bruised. I'd say bruised worse than his eye.

1 comment:

ms. mindless said...

i thought you'd never come back!