Thursday, November 4, 2010

He gets to call this work!

He does work hard, including the extreme effort he makes to speak nothing but German at the work place everyday, but I cannot resist teasing him.  We are both really lucky this year and I hope he looks back on these days fondly when he is a first year associate. Work here can be stressful, however, I have a feeling it doesn't quite compare to what he'll be facing when we return.

One of the first offical orientation meetings with his coworkers involved a beer garden.

After said "meeting" the group had a social event which looked more like drunken dancing.

They get personalized group tours and meetings at the Bundesrat in Berlin.

Personalized enough where he can pose at the podium too.

In a meeting at the Supreme Court in Karlsruhe they got spoiled with "Beverage Islands."  Notice the buckets of refreshments around the table.

Future Supreme Court justices?

Fellowship Headquarters with a million Euro view.

Traveling via private coach bus...

with a personal tour guide.

That is a plate of steak and cake.  A  real working lunch.

And of course there is always enough time for a good staring contest while visiting an embassy.

Another 3 course work lunch in a private dining area.

And lucky me!  He gets to bring the wife along too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That pic of David dancing looks like a total drunk David pose! Love it!