Monday, May 26, 2008

Does this make me some creepy stalker?

I am trying to reach a high school teacher of mine who no longer works at the school. We were close in high school and I looked up to him. My junior year, he decided to leave teaching. I remember him being conflicted about leaving the profession. When he left, I think he was only a year or two older than I am now. It would be so timely to get in touch with him and just vent/bitch our teaching experiences, but I have no contact information. My mom, who works in the school district still is going to see if she can get his email address for me. The issue...every email I draft sounds so creepy and when I ask to meet with him, in inevitably sounds like some sort of gross come-on. I need some feedback. Here was my last draft. What do you think? Again, I mean Ms. Mindless (because no one else reads this blog).

Dear Mr._ ,

How are you? I usually fish a little bit through my mom, who works in the S__ School District, but I haven’t heard anything about you in a while. Are you still with that company you started with after you left the classroom? Or perhaps you found your way back into the classroom?

I don’t know if you have heard, but I am a teacher. After college, I joined a program called Teach For America, which has brought me to teach in a horribly-managed, mold-ridden, emotionally-disturbed fourth-grade classroom in our nation’s capital. I am about to finish my first year teaching. I remember you were a little conflicted about your classroom experiences and ultimately decided to leave, sentiments to which I can truly relate. High school seems a million miles away, but I have been thinking about my whole high school experience from the perspective of the people who taught me. What the hell motivated them to come to work and put up with shit-brained teens all day? I now have a deep understanding that it surely wasn’t the pay. As my first year comes to a painful end, I would love to catch up and talk “teacher” sometime this summer. This rests on the assumption that you are still living in M_. I am living in D.C. now, but I will be back in M_ visiting my family from June __ to June __. Email me if you are available. Even if we cannot meet while I am home, I would still like to hear how you are doing.


Ms. Oyster


ms. mindless said...

well, he may think you are hitting on him a little bit. is he hot? haha. i think its fine. he should be flattered that you want to chat with him. i can't wait to find out what happens when you catch up with him.

Oyster-Eater said...

Damn! I am so trying to avoid the feeling of me hitting on him. I have written short and abrupt drafts that really end up sounding like come-ons. I think it is almost inevitable.