Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"Teacher's Have it Easy" by Dave Eggers, Daniel Moulthrop, and Ninive Clements Calegari

I read this book over Spring break and have been reminded of many of its arguments lately with the DCPS two-tiered pay scale proposal. If you would like a non-teacher written description of why teacher's not only need to be paid more, but deserve to be paid more, this book is an excellent read. Highly entertaining is the chapter in which a school teacher's day is compared minute by minute to the day of a pharmaceutical sales representative.
As DCPS teachers gather with Union leaders and hopefully Michelle Rhee tonight, I can't help but root for my DCPS colleges. I really hope enough D.C. teachers will say yes to the two-tiered system. Professionals who work as hard as some D.C. teachers do, need the option to say, "Fire me at will!" And then get paid well for saying it. I would be politically more critical of the plan asking questions about where the District is going to be getting all of this extra money and if it would be worth it (I would guess a lot of it is from restructuring), but frankly DCPS needs action, needs change, and this could be it. I can't wait to read updates.

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