Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dresden, Germany

We have had several questions about the structure of the husband's fellowship program.  Here is a brief explanation of the different parts.

German Language Training
Location: Berlin
Seminar 1
Location: Berlin, Stuttgart, Dresden, and Prague 
Work Stage #1
Location: Stuttgart
Employer: Staatsanwaltschaft (Public Prosecutor's Office)
Seminar 2
Location: Munich, Cologne, and Hamburg
Work Stage #2
Location: Karlsruhe
Employer: Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice)
Seminar 3
Location: Brussels, Istanbul, and Berlin

The following few posts will mostly be about places we visited during his first seminar.

Even though we lived in Berlin and experienced the history of the GDR (former East Germany) through East Berlin, I feel like Dresden was my first real experience in former East Germany.  I found the story of Dresden's recontruction to be the most interesting.  It was completely destroyed (mostly by American bombing) and left in ruins after WWII.  Now, it is picture perfect. 

Then:  Over 90% of the city center demolished.


Now:  Beautiful.

Even in cloudy, rainy weather.

Me in front of Zwinger Palace, which we found out was never really a palace.

David on Neumarkt Square.

In front of the Furstenzug—the Saxon sovereigns depicted in Meissen porcellan.

Close up of the porcellan wall.

The view from the top of the Frauen Kirche

Dork.  He is copying the pose of the golden angel on dome in the background. 

We drank beer here.

We shouldn't be shocked that we also met a German who can only be described as "an ass" here.

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