Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jonathan Swift (Initial Post Take 2)

Funny looking thing to serve as inspiration, huh?
Do I know much about this man? Nope! I haven't even read Gulliver's Travels.  Maybe that will have to go in the Kindle que.  Nonetheless, a quote of his has always been one of my favorites and is the inspiration for the title of this blog.  I had posted something like this before as the first post, but I just had a string of new readers (welcome family!) ask me about my blog title, especially because they know I don't like oysters.  The quote is something along the lines of, "It was a bold man who first ate an oyster."

The inspiration first came as the thought, "How about he is a bold man that first sets out to teach?" And really, unless you are a teacher, this probably means nothing to you, but it takes a certain kind of bravery to face "them" everyday. Now, do I consider myself a bold person? Generally, not so much.  But, I do manage to get myself into some situations that require a leap of faith, much like the first person who decided to down one of those nasty looking blobs that grows inside what looks like a rock. So, here's to all those risk takers!
Seriosuly, who looked at this for the first time and said, "Yum!"?

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